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„Report Reveals Discipline What began as a way to describe misinformation was quickly diverted into a propaganda tool. The BBC's Dave Lee examines how "fake news" went mainstream. 2 Feb 2021 His use of the term “fake news” echoed the Nazi smear Lugenpresse, or “lying press,” like the Nazis he referred to reporters as enemies of the He called reporters the lugenpresse His apprentice calls them enemies of the people - Hitler. 31 Jan 2020 It's also where he would have learned Hitler's demonizing term for the press: ' lugenpresse.' Trump's translation is 'Fake News." Benenson, who 12 May 2020 Who are 'Lügenpresse'. It is nobody's case to blame the entire media of falsehood.
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Den här kanalen har inga videor. Det är lite väl tyst här. Bläddra på Twitch. Hitler called it Lugenpresse (lying press)
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This thread is archived. New comments Lügenpresse ('lögnpress') var ordet som Joseph Goebbels ofta och gärna använde för att beskriva tidningar som motsatte sig Profilbanner för lugenpresse. Avatar för lugenpresse. Lugenpresse.
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With the Nazis, the Lugenpresse became one of the enemies of the people. Un-word of the year and inappropriate word of the year (German: Unwort des Jahres) refer to an annual action in which a German linguists' panel chooses one new or recently popularized term that violates human rights or infringes upon Democratic principles. A number of reputable media organisations, most notably CNN and The New York Times, are caught in Donald Trump’s web of ‘fake news’..
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All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. This is the secret of propaganda: Those who are to be persuaded by it should be completely immersed in the ideas of the propaganda, without ever noticing that they are being immersed in it. 2021-04-12 Lying press (German: Lügenpresse, lit. 'press of lies') is a pejorative political term used largely by German political movements for the printed press and the mass media at large, as a propaganda tactic to discredit the publications that offered a message counter to their agenda.
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Lawyer & Law Firm Lügenpresse (Báo chí dối trá) là một từ ngữ chính trị, được dùng trong các cuộc tranh cãi để chỉ trích giới truyền thông. Theo như Hội vì tiếng Đức (Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache) (GfdS) từ ngữ này muốn diễn tả, "một hệ thống chính trị cai trị không theo ý dân, và không đại diện xứng đáng cho người dân Lügenpresse. 2,328 likes · 25 talking about this.