Vi måste hitta fler sätt att effektivt nå ut med ny kunskap.”


We have used our expertise and experience in sensor technology and artificial intelligence (AI) to develop SensorBeat, a system for real time artificial intelligence on the edge. Imagimob is a pioneer in Edge-AI and tinyML. The company was founded in Stockholm, Sweden in 2013, and has been working with Edge AI applications ever since. Their SaaS solution, Imagimob AI, is an end-to-end solution that simplifies and makes it possible to develop deep learning applications for tiny devices with resource constraints.

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Svenska AI-startupen Imagimob tar in 8 miljoner kronor för att vidareutveckla sin AI-produkt. Rundan har letts av investeringsbolaget Stockholms affärsänglar. Imagimob ska använda pengarna till att växla upp sitt arbete kring forskning och utveckling, utöka sin internationella satsning och stärka upp bolagets IP-portfölj. Imagimob have ideas how to integrate Edge AI into the product development process, and their solution in the Sustainovate Open challenge is to enable automated feedback into Husqvarna Group’s AI models, and thereby upgrade the products by making it possible to change and improve a model instantly. De affärsmässiga framgångarna ger Imagimob en plats på 33-listan för tredje gången. Vad har smarta dörrlås, självkörande fordon, lastbilar och personliga trygghetslarm gemensamt? Att Assa Abloy, Autoliv, Scania och svenska startupen Bellpal alla använder ai-teknik för rörelseanalys utvecklad av Imagimob.

Vi måste hitta fler sätt att effektivt nå ut med ny kunskap.”

Imagimob ska använda pengarna till att växla upp sitt arbete kring forskning och utveckling, utöka sin internationella satsning och stärka upp bolagets IP-portfölj. Imagimob have ideas how to integrate Edge AI into the product development process, and their solution in the Sustainovate Open challenge is to enable automated feedback into Husqvarna Group’s AI models, and thereby upgrade the products by making it possible to change and improve a model instantly. De affärsmässiga framgångarna ger Imagimob en plats på 33-listan för tredje gången. Vad har smarta dörrlås, självkörande fordon, lastbilar och personliga trygghetslarm gemensamt?

Imagimob linkedin

Tech Svenska - Fox On Green

Feiyang has 9 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Feiyang’s connections and jobs at similar companies. View Feiyang Liu’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. Feiyang has 2 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Feiyang’s connections and jobs at similar companies. Visualizza il profilo di Guido Galgani su LinkedIn, la più grande comunità professionale al mondo.

Feiyang has 2 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Feiyang’s connections and jobs at similar companies. Visualizza il profilo di Guido Galgani su LinkedIn, la più grande comunità professionale al mondo.
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6 days ago IBM, Anagog, Microsoft, Google, TIBCO, Intel, Foghorn Systems, Cloudera, SWIM .AI, Nutanix, Imagimob,, Octonion, XNOR.AI, Veea Inc  Imagimob | 2 299 följare på LinkedIn.

ORSoC is an expert consultant company with focus in ASIC-, FPGA-, and DSP development, including design, verification and backend work. We are located in Stockholm, Sweden. ORSoC are also working heavily with SoC designs based … Imagimob AI software offers high accuracy in real-time, on low-cost hardware with lowpower consumption.
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Imagimob LinkedIn

Sam har angett 6 jobb i sin profil. Se hela profilen på LinkedIn, se Sams kontakter och hitta  Imagimob has taken great steps since the start in 2013. We have been awarded as the Startup of the Year of 2017 at Mobilgalan, and has three years in a row  Imagimob has taken great steps since the start in 2013. We have been awarded as the Start-up of the Year of 2017 at Mobilgalan and has three years in a row  Kristina Kovac.

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Imagimob analyserar rörelser med artificiell intelligens

Based in Stockholm, Sweden, the company has been serving customers within the automotive, manufacturing, healthcare and lifestyle industries since 2013. On the website there are links that lead to external websites and social media platforms. The Company cares about the personal integrity of you who visit the website and the following social media platforms that the Company uses: Imagimob LinkedIn page Imagimob Facebook page Imagimob Twitter page Imagimob Youtube channel View Miles Midgley’s profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Miles has 6 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Miles Since Imagimob has a flat organizational structure, I feel that it is always easy to discuss different issues and improve things together.