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getty. The cofounder and CEO of Voat - the 'free speech' Reddit lookalike - has closed the site, saying he 'just can't keep it up'. Investment vanished in March this year, says Justin Chastain in Voat first launched in 2014 as a smaller Reddit alternative dedicated to "free speech," including explicit hate speech, and Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube followed suit in 2020. Se hela listan på This site is made by just two indie developers on a laptop doing marketing, support and development! Read more about the story.. Become a Premium Member ($3.00/month or $30.00/year) and get exclusive features!
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It is, but it's vast. We navigate the Twitterverse to bring you the good stuff. To revisit this article, visit My Profile, then Vie Hacker Noon help section for readers, writers and brands. Tech publishing made easy. For every new story published, the @hackernoon account automatically tags the author in tweets about the story on the day of publication, 1 week after and Twitter’s changes to its APIs have the geek and power-user world up in arms. But it’s part of the way it plans to stay in business.
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About. Voat (stylized as O T) is a social news aggregation website where community members can submit and vote on a variety of online news and media content using a similar functionality utilized by other popular news aggregators, som i både utseende och upplägg är en direkt kopia av Reddit, startades i april 2014 av två schweizistiska studenter. Det hette först WhoaVerse, men bytte namn till Voat kort innan medlemstillströmningen inleddes. 2015-07-09 · So who is coming to Voat, and at what volume?
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2021-04-10 ·
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2020-12-22 · The Voat Goat has seen better days. Pour one out for the folks on Voat.The so-called “free speech” Reddit clone — designed to appeal to people too hateful for Reddit — has apparently run out of money and will close its virtual doors on Christmas day. 2020-12-22 · Voat, an alternative social network described as the "alt-right Reddit," is scheduled to shut down on December 25th after its founders lost an investor and ran out of money. Discover amazing communities across Ruqqus..
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—Voat (@voatco) July 8, 2015 Reddit, which has more than 163 million visitors, it at risk of Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on Parler Meme Maker Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 0c2113 No. 3131643 >>3131408 https:// VOAT .co/v/QRV Thank you /BO/ Fully endorsed. Voat shutting down - "I will lay Voat upon the cross on December 25th 2020 at 12 noon PST. I have chosen Christmas as the day to do so in honor of the only True thing you will find in this world and that is Jesus Christ, the son of God, and the only way to the Father." Rightoids .