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We are construct the Residential houses and commercial buildings on design, The RAR Engineering Group will be known as a regional engineering resource featuring intuitive design, outstanding personalized service, and expert, timely and reliable results produced every time we are called upon to provide service to a client. The commissioners at their meeting Tuesday awarded a contract to RAR Engineering Group Inc. of New Castle for the engineering of the project. The firm will be paid up to $68,500 for its services, which will include engineering, permitting, construction drawings and oversight of the project. IN THE NEWS. R.A.R.
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We offer fully integrated Mechanical, Electrical and Fire Protection modules. 2021-02-23 · RAR Engineering Inc. | 5 followers on LinkedIn. RAR Engineering Inc. is a company based out of United States. RA Automotive Engineering Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. ServOffice Business Center Floor 9, East 3rd Ring Road, No. 19 Chaoyang District, 100020 Beijing. E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: PHONE: +86 10 5735 1153.