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The kola nut is the fruit of the kola tree (Cola acuminata and Cola nitida), indigenous to West Africa. The trees, which reach heights of 40 to 60 feet, produce a star-shaped fruit. Kola Nut Powder (1 oz, Zin: 510764) Kola nut is a natural source of caffeine that helps stimulate metabolism and supresses the appetite. It can also be used as a stimulant to the central nervous system, aphrodisiac, cardiac stimulant, astringent, anti-depressant, diuretic and for sea-sickness, headaches, anorexia, nervous debility, weakness and diarrhea. Cola nut is also possibly safe in following conditions: • For Children • Pregnancy and Lactation Possibly Unsafe - Cola nut powder is likely unsafe when utilized orally in excessive amounts. Cola nut powder has caffeine. Excessive amount of cola nut from 10 to 14 grams may show adverse effects.

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Inside the kola-fruit about a dozen square and round  Gotu kola powder may help to improve memory, support weakened veins, reduce anxiety levels, and facilitate the healing of wounds. Revered in traditional  Kola nut possess two percent of caffeine with theobromine and kolanin and acts as a stimulant. Helps the circulation and the level of oxygen in the body. 6 Oct 2017 Kola nuts can be processed into a fine powder. Mixing one teaspoon of this powder into coffee, tea, or even hot chocolate can add a bit more of a  Kola Nut - Powdered (Cola nitida) A religiously and socially symbolic seed like no other on this planet. It is used in rites of kolanut communion in bucolic African   25 Jul 2009 The mature fruit of Cola species is a nut known as kola nut (Duke, 2001).

Kola nut Cola nitida Azarius: Smartshop, Headshop

Precautions - Contains caffeine, a nervous system stimulant. Excessive use of caffeine can cause insomnia, nervousness, increase heart rate and the other symptoms of excess caffeine intake. How To Preserve Kola Nuts - YouTube.

Kola nut powder

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Wrapped Hem-kola licorice. Ingredients: glucose syrup, sugar, condensed whole milk, vegetable fat (coconut oil), liquroice powder, colors (carbon black),  Brazil Nutmilk Smoothie1small handful of raw brazil nuts [around 10]/ 1 μικρή -1 tbsp agave syrup/ 1 κ.σ. σιρόπι αγαύης -1 tbsp cacao powder/ 1 κ.σ.
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What is a Kola Nut | Esther Lamnyam Explaining what is a Kola Nut. Watch later.

The kola nut is a fruit of the kola tree, a genus of trees that are native tom the tropical rainforest of Africa. The caffeine-containing fruit of the tree is used as a flavoring ingredient in beverages.
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Herbs of the Gods Kola Nut 50g - 112 SEK - Dermastore

These ingredients are found in many sodas, energy drinks, weight loss drugs and herbal supplements. In addition to bumping up the caffeine content of these products, they also provide a unique taste and aroma. Kola nut powder is the dust made out of kola seed. The powder is not alien to anybody since it is used in the mother recipe any cola beverage that everybody has tasted some time or the other.

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Kola Nut Extract Powder Manufacturer and Factory China

Because the whole nut stores caffeine much better than the powder form, it is recommended that the nut be ground right before use or preserved in tincture form. Kola nut powder can be added to coffee to increase the caffeine content, and can also be drunk in tea. The recommended dosage for kola nut extract powder is 550 mg once or twice per day. It may help to mix the powder with food or smoothies. Bottom Line. Kola nut extract is derived from a fruit that grows on the kola tree in the western and eastern regions of Africa.