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This means that vassals, which automatically transfer occupation to the overlord, let the overlord Step 1: Vassalize Colonizers like Portugal, Spain, etc. (Really anyone with those national ideas) Step 2: give them a province in the new world. Sell it to them for nothing if required. Other factors, such as Prestige and Military points, are far less important, and should have low priority when selecting options in events. For example if “The Last jousting tournament” event occurs then it should be declined since it costs something important to us (gold) whilst offering benefits that don’t greatly help our achievement progress, such as army morale.

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Transfer Occupation is a godsend. Fixed CTD in transfer occupation check - Fixed manage mod button in Content View not working - Fixed mods disabled when not starting game via launcher  How to actually railroad historically lucky nations like in EU4? જેકફિલ્ડ. 6. 6 apr @ 16:32 how can you transfer occupation? Stormtrooper Hans.

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Eu4 transfer occupation

delivery unit -Svensk översättning - Linguee

When you tranfer using a merchant what you are doing is using your trade power within t Subscribe? Thank you. 1 point · 3 years ago. Select the province you want. In the tooltip you'll see an occupied by X country and a small arrow next to it. Select it and it will give you a list to change the controller.

In the tooltip you'll see an occupied by X country and a small arrow next to it. Select it and it will give you a list to change the controller. You can do this for subjects and allies in a war. 2021-03-16 This command runs a list of commands in a specified file. The file should be located in the game's root directory (the main folder for the game, where EU4.exe is located). russian: russian [amount] This command adds the specified amount of government ability points to your current country. DLC: Third Rome: sailors: sailors [amount] [country tag] I think it depends on geography, I don't think that sending trade up or down itself affects your income, because up is good and down is bad or opposite.
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During the actual war you can click on the province and transfer occupation to another nation. Be aware that this gives them war score so it could contribute to things like them peacing out faster. During the peace deal you can assign provinces to them (you may have to transfer occupation to them first). It is a minor thing yet it annoys me to no end.

Europa Universalis IV is a grand strategy wargame developed by Paradox Development Studio and published by Paradox Interactive, sequel to 2007's Europa Universalis III. This Europa Universalis IV Wiki is intended as a repository of Europa Universalis IV related knowledge, useful for both new and experienced players and for modders. Provinces are looted once in a war, upon a successful siege or occupation. They then have a "Province Looted" modifier that prevents further looting until the owner is at peace.
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Europa Universalis IV - EU4: 1.28.2 Hotfix Patch is now live

Date: 08 Jul 2015. Related documents.

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operator Unit -Svensk översättning - Linguee

We also use TPの発生(伝播) / Transfers from downstream † あるノードで、州からのTPの合計が10以上に達した国はで、州TPの20%が、そのノードに接する上流ノードに伝播する。 具体例として、象牙海岸ノードには、上流であるイギリス海峡ノードから、州TPの20%が伝播する。 Transfer occupation [edit] Countries can now give up control over occupied provinces to … EU rules limit the amount you can be asked to pay if you're the victim  Suzerain can also transfer the occupation to your vassal whenever necessary. Once a province is occupied by the Vassal, the leader of the Suzerain war may  EU4 AI Only Battle - 51 Religions - Early Wars and Colonization Civilization V [ Art of War] Its now possible to transfer occupation away from your subjects as  20 Feb 2021 Transfer Occupation is a godsend.