File:Skyddsmask 90.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
File:Skyddsmask 90.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
Alternatively you could do something like Below is a great function (created by Wes over on Stack Overflow) that can be used to automatically correct the image orientation when uploading images (the main culprit for weird orientation related glitches being iOS based devices) – simple call the correctImageOrientation() function after uploading the image and voilla the rotation/orientation of the image is corrected! fix flipped / rotated image by getting exif orientation - Skip to content. All gists Back to GitHub Sign in Sign up Sign in Sign up {{ message }} I worked it out: // If EXIF Orientation data exists, rotate image as required $savetmpname = $temp ['tmp_name']; function correctImageOrientation ($savetmpname) { if (function_exists ('exif_read Re: Writing to the EXIF:Orientation Tag. « Reply #1 on: December 18, 2016, 07:57:38 PM ». Normally, you'll want to set Orientation to one of these: Horizontal (normal) Rotate 90 CW. Rotate 180 CW. Rotate 270 CW. Those are the simple rotations settings. But the exif standard also allows the image to be mirrored.
iOS? Yes! In fact if you’re using an Apple device you’ve to check the orientation. In Android it’s not necessary. The user could make his photo in landscape or portrait. Then, after the upload, you have to read the “header” info file and then make your choice. To enable it you have to check Rotate images based on EXIF orientation in Tools > Options > Read.
Rotation av bilder -
images uploaded from mobile devices such as iphone appear rotated / upside down in Drupal. Proposed resolution.
Strings - Scribd
204 + #: products/photocrati_nextgen/modules/ngglegacy/admin/rotate.php:17. 1629 rotating image." 1855. + msgstr "Fel uppstod vid rotation av bilden.". ExifTool Version Number : 10.20 File Name : IMG_5223 - Kopia.jpg Directory : .
0 votes Below code will help to get the orientation if you send image file path.
public function fixOrientation() { $exif = exif_read_data($this->imgSrc); $orientation = $exif['Orientation']; switch($orientation) { case 6: // rotate 90 degrees CW $this->image->rotateimage("#FFF", 90); break; case 8: // rotate 90 degrees CCW $this->image->rotateimage("#FFF", -90); break; } }
I suppose you could check if the Image width is longer than the length for Landscape and for Portrait if the Length is longer than width. You can do that with a simple IF / ELSE statement.
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The rotated image is saved back to file in the same format. // Now that it's auto-rotated, make sure the EXIF data is correct in case the EXIF gets saved with the image! $image-> setImageOrientation (imagick:: ORIENTATION_TOPLEFT); } ?> Example use: writeImage ('result-image.jpg'); ?> This function is best used to correct EXIF rotation information just before saving an image.
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I had some issues with photo orientation for a while, but it became a real pain when I starte… Normally, you'll want to set Orientation to one of these: Horizontal (normal) Rotate 90 CW Rotate 180 CW Rotate 270 CW Those are the simple rotations settings. But the exif standard also allows the image to be mirrored. Exiftool is flexible on what you enter and tries to figure out what you want to set. First of all you have to consider your enemy: iOS images orientation. iOS?