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A primary school in West Bowling. 2020 / 2021 INSET and training days for Bowling Park Primary School. We recommend that all parents check the staff training dates Bowling Park Primary School have published on their website.

Bowling termer

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Generally, the term hook describes the relative hook potential of a particular bowling ball. Bowling balls with high Differential of RG numbers generally will hook more than will bowling balls with low Differential. The term Flare Potential is another way hook potential is described.

Kanske är den som Den består av texten Bowling is everything omgivet av olika ord och termer från bowlingens värld. Congratulations Martha Day for getting her Bronze Medal!
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The direction the ball travels when going into the 1-3 pocket for right handed bowlers and the 1-2 for left handed bowlers. Bowling Terms: Address: Bowler’s starting position. Alley: playing surface, made of maple, pine or urethane boards; urethane lanes are becoming more popular than wood All the way: Finishing a game with nothing but strikes.

För att kunna hänga med i konversationer och annat som rör bowlingen, så ska du få en snabb kurs av termer här. Bowling Alley. Det är inte  Termer som ofta används inom bowling.
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Left handers who bowl with wrist spin are known as unorthodox spinners. This is also known as the Chinaman. Leg theory a style of bowling attack where balls are aimed towards the leg side, utilizing several close-in, leg side fielders.