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DD Form 2906, Department of Defense Civilian Performance Plan, Progress Review and Appraisal, is a form used for reviewing if the performance of civilian employees is in accordance with the standards set by the Department of Defense (DoD). This form is also used for progress reviews and ratings of record. Title: DD Form 2906, DoD Performance Plan and Rating, March 2016 Author: WHS/ESD/DD Created Date: 3/22/2016 9:30:34 AM Use the AF Form 2906 to request award, upgrade, correction, or re-designation of an AFSC, Special Duty Identifier (SDI), Reporting Identifier (RI), Special Experience Identifier (SEI) or Training Status Code (TSC). by using only one form, the DD Form 2906, instead of the four Air Force forms currently in use (AF Forms 860, 1003, 860A, and 860B).
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2907. 2906. 2904. 002.