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2021-03-22 · Orange Tendersweet ‘Orange Tendersweet’ (or ‘Tendersweet Orange,’ depending on who you ask) is sure to be a favorite, with its attractive oblong shape and bright orange flesh. Also called ‘Orange Flesh Tendersweet,’ this heirloom variety is in fact very sweet, and fruit will weigh 30-50 pounds at full ripeness. TENDERSWEET ORANGE WATERMELON seeds now available in GreenMyLife.in! + (91) 80-4709-1917 Mon - Sat: 9:00 am - 7:00 pm ceo@greenmylife.in Instagram Facebook Houzz. Orange Watermelon Seeds "Tendersweet" Price for Package of 10 seeds. Watermelon Yellow Orange is an unusual and very attractive watermelon.

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With its beautiful, and wonderfully sweet, bright-orange flesh, this heirloom fruit is sure to please! 90-95 days to maturity. Only 2 oz left in stock. Weight (oz) Product Price: Tendersweet Orange quantity. Add to cart. Product This tendersweet orange watermelon can grow to be 30 to 40 lbs, so you will have plenty to share at your next picnic or party. Add it to fruit salads for a tasty treat.

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Oblong fruit grows to 35 lb with medium-thick light-green rind with dark green stripes. Medium-thick rind, oblong shape, and excellent texture.

Tendersweet orange watermelon


Oblong shape. Weighing in   Orange Flesh Tendersweet watermelon. Origin -.

diameter fruits medium-thick light-green rind with dark-green stripes 35-40 lb deep-orange flesh high sugar white seed with black markings and tips great market variety.
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The rinds are medium thick, light green with flesh that is orange and high in sugar content.

Young seedlings may benefit from black plastic to warm up the soil. Growing: As soon as the vines begin to develop, apply a thick layer of mulch to control weeds and protect the melons from soil contact. Watermelon - Tendersweet Orange - Citrullus lanatus. Tender Annual, Heirloom Very sweet, bright orange flesh makes this a favorite watermelon.
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Watermelon Seeds - ARKANSAS BLACK - Gmo Free - Pinterest

Rind - Flesh - Excellent, deep orange flesh; very sweet and crisp, flavour lives up to its  Unusual yellow-orange flesh is super sweet. Flesh is yellow, tender and never stringy. Exceptionally high sugar content. Melons measure up to 18 inches and  Watermelon · Florida Giant Watermelon · Red Moon and Stars Watermelon · Jubilee Watermelon · Tendersweet Orange Watermelon · Sugar Baby Watermelon. Tendersweet Orange Watermelon. Price: $1.99.