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Vi hittade 3 definitioner av face 18-07-2016 - Det var Willemijn Hissink, der fandt denne pin. Find (og gem) dine egne pins på Pinterest. Artist: Phil Collins Album: Face Value År: 1981 Land: England Genre: pop/rock Kommentar: Aldrig lyssnat igenom hela Philles debut innan. Kilpatrick, J. Beyond face value: Assessing research in mathematics education.
2 : the apparent value or significance if their remarks may be taken at face value Examples of face value in a Sentence We paid $100 for tickets that had a face value of $50. face value n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (monetary worth as printed) egentligt värde s substantiv: Ord för konkreta ting och platser, t.ex.: "boll", "person", "Stockholm". Banks will only cash notes for their face value.
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Learn more. 2 : the apparent value or significance if their remarks may be taken at face value Examples of face value in a Sentence We paid $100 for tickets that had a face value of $50. face value n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (monetary worth as printed) egentligt värde s substantiv: Ord för konkreta ting och platser, t.ex.: "boll", "person", "Stockholm".
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The number , book value and face value of shares in the issuer held by or on behalf of the issuer itself or by subsidiaries of the issuer . 21 . 1 . 4 . The amount of
Lear står för en blint objektivistisk språksyn, där det enda som uppfattas är vad som sägs och hur något uttrycks at face value, medan Cordelia har en naiv och
Om terapeuten inte inser detta begår hon ”the naive client fallacy” vilket innebär att hon tror att patienten ”takes the analyst's behavior at face value even while
At face value definition is - for the price that is printed on something.
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All identifying information, including Decoy is a high-performance, phthalate-free vinyl. This faux-leather brings durability, cleanability and moisture-resistance to upholstery applications in Feb 12, 2021 To take something at face value means to accept it for what it seems to be on the surface instead of considering it more To take something at face value means to accept what is before you; to trust; to accept without questioning; to accept without objecting; to accept for what it is; to Installation view of “Take ( ) at Face Value,” at Korean Cultural Centre Australia, Sydney, 2019.
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This faux-leather brings durability, cleanability and moisture-resistance to upholstery applications in Feb 12, 2021 To take something at face value means to accept it for what it seems to be on the surface instead of considering it more To take something at face value means to accept what is before you; to trust; to accept without questioning; to accept without objecting; to accept for what it is; to Installation view of “Take ( ) at Face Value,” at Korean Cultural Centre Australia, Sydney, 2019. Photo by Documentary Photography. Courtesy the artists and Nov 13, 2018 Two years ago, Donald Trump was elected president of the United States. What has followed has been a mad dash to understand precisely Aug 26, 2014 You are not purchasing a new certificate; you are redeeming a Restaurant.com Card for a restaurant certificate at the same face value. Apr 2, 2014 Former Antioch AME Church, Jan. 2014. Decatur, Ga., blogger Dan Whisenhunt has been covering the impending demolition of a former African Discover At Face Value as it's meant to be heard, narrated by Ashley Litz.