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Nybörjarguide för SAP-säkerhet: Varför är det viktigt? - LogPoint

(possibly the guy who brought the change in parameter for reginfo and secinfo file). Please assist ASAP. The reginfo has rules that control which remote systems can register programs at SAP. You can read the following WIKI page for a complete description and examples: Gateway Access Control Lists - Application Server Infrastructure - SCN Wiki. In addition, the following SAP KBAs have videos showing how these files work. 1850230 - reginfo; 2145145 1474615: BEx Analyzer: Workbook is not opened: 1298433: Bypassing security in reginfo & secinfo: 1173528: Problems in the files sec_info and reg_info: 1105897 You can define a whitelist of programs that can register at the SAP Gateway. To do so, you have to create two files named secinfo and reginfo. Both files don’t exist per default.

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You can find the detailed syntax review in SAP Security Note 1069911 . For the correct reginfo.dat configuration use recommendations from SAP Security Note 1425765 and 1408081. [41], . [EASAI-NA-19] Access control settings for RFC-service (secinfo.dat) Description. In the secinfo file, you may specify which external services may be started 2021-4-9 · You can define a whitelist of programs that can register at the SAP Gateway. To do so, you have to create two files named secinfo and reginfo. Both files don’t exist per default.

A place for your photos. A place for your memories. - Dayviews

/reg info specified by the parameter snc/identity/as, if an SNC name for the connection cannot be read from the s 16 Aug 2017 The SAP documentation in the following link explains how to create the The note explains and provides examples of reginfo and secinfo files. 25 Dec 2017 In SAP system, you can use tools like RSECNOTE and SAP note: Bypassing security in reginfo & secinfo", however, the system checks only  SAP Extractor fails with error 'ERROR registration of tp [hostname] from host not allowed Parameter "gw/acl_mode = 1" and not reginfo file has been set. 27 Jan 2021 RFC Gateway security, part 2 – reginfo ACL From my experience the RFC Gateway security is for many SAP Part 3: secinfo ACL in detail. 18 Jun 2018 TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks Plug-in for SAP Solutions, 7.x Note 1069911 – GW: Changes to the ACL list of the gateway (reginfo)  25 Jul 2020 LOCATION SAP-Gateway on host IGTGGN2SAP6 / sapgw00 (what i understood from this note, reginfo files should be maintained at PI and  21 Aug 2017 Depending on the location of SLD's gateway, the gateway can be configured in a Java (SLD) or in ABAP stack.

Reginfo and secinfo in sap

Nybörjarguide för SAP-säkerhet: Varför är det viktigt? - LogPoint

Here, activating Gateway logging and evaluating the log file over an appropriate period (e.g. three months) is necessary to ensure the most precise data possible for the connections used. Create secinfo & reginfo files manually Activate secinfo & reginfo Additional way: More business risk, but less effort Use creation reports for initial secinfo & reginfo Activate proposed secinfo & reginfo Monitor logs for rejected connections closely Add rejected entries to secinfo & reginfo manually With SAP kernel 7.21: Introduction of Reginfo/Secinfo Parameters Secinfo/Reginfo are maintined correctly You need to check Reg-info and Sec-info settings. Most of the cases this is the troublemaker(!) Please pay special attention to this phase! Make sure that they are set as per the Notes: Note 1425765 - Generating sec_info reg_info Reloading the reginfo/secinfo at a Standalone RFC Gateway.

SAP NetWeaver. Application Server ABAP. RFC gateway gwrd. Work processes. 2 Apr 2015 The SAP Gateway security is managed by the reginfo and thesec_info files.

2015 nSMGW -> goto -> Expert functions Logging: /nRZ10 gw/sec_info = $(DIR_DATA) /secinfo gw/reg_info = $(DIR_DATA)/reginfo gw/logging  14:15–15:20 SAP System and Code Security SAP SME. Protiviti. Tiede-Jan. deJong@protiviti.nl. Henk Bulsink Gateway Access control - reginfo & secinfo. This example script changes a parameter using SAP Message Server configuration stored in external files (e.g.

Background documentation SAP Gateway Security Files secinfo and reginfo Locate this document in the navigation structure. The secinfo security file is used to  30.
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Nybörjarguide för SAP-säkerhet: Varför är det viktigt? - LogPoint

In the secinfo file, you may specify which external services may be started 2021-4-9 · You can define a whitelist of programs that can register at the SAP Gateway. To do so, you have to create two files named secinfo and reginfo. Both files don’t exist per default.

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Nybörjarguide för SAP-säkerhet: Varför är det viktigt? - LogPoint

gw/reg_info = $ (DIR_DATA)/reginfo. Maintain the ACL files (reginfo and secinfo ) in the systems with the trusted server list. Reginfo file This file should contain the information of all the external programs registering on your SAP instance. 2020-06-29 · The reginfo file have ACLs (rules) related to the registration of external programs (systems) to the local SAP instance. For example: an SAP SLD system registering the SLD_UC and SLD_NUC programs at an ABAP system. The secinfo file has rules related to the start of programs by the local SAP instance. 2021-01-26 · As we learnt before the reginfo and secinfo are defining rules for very different use-cases, so they are not related.