Fil:Ethidium bromide.svg – Wikipedia
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På så vis kan DNA i ett prov detekteras. Ethidiumbromid wird zur Färbung von DNA-Proben verwendet, die über ein Agarose-Gel aufgetrennt wurden. Die Verbindung wird dabei direkt zum Gel hinzugefügt. Da die Bindung des Farbstoffs an die DNA die Emission verstärkt, kann die DNA spezifisch sichtbar gemacht werden, obwohl sich im gesamten Gel Ethidiumbromid befindet. Etidiumbromid, en potent mutagen Flores, N. et al (1992) Recovery of DNA from agarose gels stained with methylene blue. Biotechniques 13, 203-205.
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The PCR products were analyzed by 1.5% agarose gel electrophoresis (GelRed reagent used in place of Etidiumbromid, GelRed™ Nucleic Acid Gel Stain Biotium), and fragment sizes were estimated using the 1 kb plus DNA ladder as molecular size marker (Invitrogen). Gel images were captured with G-Box (G:Box F3 Syngene, USA). Questionnaires Etidiumbromid Natriumalginatlösning - 2,5% Kalciumkloridlösning - 1% Glukoslösning - 2% R46 Största risker: Hanteringen av metanol eftersom det är mycket brandfarligt. Vid normal hantering och användande av skyddsglasögon är risken för skada liten.
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Early usage was as a veterinary trypanocide. 14 It is a mutagenic compound that intercalates double-stranded DNA and RNA. 1,10 The fluorescence of EtBr increases 21-fold upon binding to double-stranded RNA, 25-fold on binding double-stranded DNA (although histones block binding of EtBr to DNA).
B. Preparation av plasmiden pCANTAB -
8, Agar, 09002-18-0, Ja, 1986, Sigma-Aldrich, 0. 9, Agarose, 0, Sigma, 0 63, Etidiumbromid, 1239-45-8,, 1999, Very toxic(T+),Mutagen, R22 9, Agar, org. 9002-18-0, D. 10, L-Alanin, bio/oo, 56-41-7, D D, 10, 1, 10, 10. 13, Agaros, D, 1, 1, 10, 10. 14, Etidiumbromid, R46, T, A, 1, 1, 10, 10, ja, ja.
19. Febr. 2013 Die Banden im Agarose-Gel wurden mit Etidiumbromid gefärbt und dokumentiert. WK bezeichnet die. Wasserkontrolle B: Die verschiedenen mRNA-spezifischen Banden wurden densitometrisch ausgewertet und die relative. and Skoog medium with vitamins and 6g plant agar under normal light conditions (16h light/ 8h dark,. 22°C).
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The agarose gel will have to be post stained after electrophoresis. The most commonly used stain for visualizing DNA is ethidium bromide (EtBr)*.
2) Spenningen over gelen. 3) Porestørrelse og konsentrasjon av gelmateriale. Man bruker ofte fargestoffet bromfenolblått for å se hvor langt elektroforesen har gått.
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Agarose - Agarose -
Ad. Utstyrsliste: - Tape - Geltrau - Gelkam - 0,60 g agarose - 60 ml 9, Agar, org. 9002-18-0, D. 10, L-Alanin, bio/oo, 56-41-7, D. 11, B-Alanin 14, Etidiumbromid, R46, T, A, 1, 1, 10, 10, ja, ja. 15.
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Ethidium bromide (or homidium bromide, chloride salt homidium chloride) is an intercalating agent commonly used as a fluorescent tag (nucleic acid stain) in molecular biology laboratories for techniques such as agarose gel electrophoresis.