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Kronholm Copenhagen er et brand etableret af Maria Kronholm,der startede som smykkefirma i … John Kronholm, Kronholm Insurance Services Recognition of the October 2019 Pro Bono Clinic Volunteers Recognition of 50-Year Honorees Signature Awards Henry J. Naruk Judiciary Award Hon. Alvin W. Thompson, United States District Court for the District of Connecticut Edward F. Hennessey Professionalism Award Kronholm Insurance is proud to continue to offer the same products, with the same focus on customer service, now as part of the Brown & Brown Team. John Kronholm and his experienced team, combined with the Brown & Brown team, are able to analyze your unique situation and provide you with the coverage that fits your needs. Kronholm Insurance Services, Inc. provides insurance services. The Company offers life, auto, property, and casualty insurance products.
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We are excited to announce that Kronholm Insurance Services, part of Brown & Brown of Connecticut, Inc., is our Platinum Sponsor at our virtual Celebrate with 30 Oct 2019 were followed up through 2013, with registers of the Social Insurance Institution, and the Statistics Finland. Tea Lallukka & Erkki Kronholm. 16 Aug 2015 Conrad J. Kronholm Jr., founder of the Kronholm & Keeler Insurance Agency, died July 24 of lung cancer. He was 86, and lived in Old Lyme.