Från turneringsdatabasen Chess-Results
Infobrev 109 till Täby SK:s medlemmar
On February 21 and February 22, the four cities of Barcelona, Malmö, Oslo and Bratislava played the first official Hybrid Chess tournament, the Hybrid Cities Cup. Almost like the old days tb1 tb2 tb3 1 IM Shishkov Andrei 2279 EST * 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 0 105 15 2 FM Haitin Ilja 2174 EST 0 * ½ ½ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 0 79,5 12 The Top Division section of the FIDE Online Olympiad was played from Friday to Sunday this week. Three teams from each pool qualified either to the quarterfinals directly or to the preliminary stage. India, Azerbaijan, Russia and the United States are already in the quarterfinals while eight teams will fight for the remaining four spots in the first knockout stage of the playoffs. | Photos is a powerful and dedicated server only for chess-results. The tournament archive of contains more than 40.000 tournaments from around the world.
SNr, Namn, Gr, Nation, Rating, Klubb, Poäng, TB1, TB2, TB3. Rd 3.Rd 4.Rd 5.Rd 6.Rd 7.Rd Poäng TB1 TB2 TB3. 1 17-18. 18. 2,5. 2,5.
Norway Chess i Stavanger – rond 1 - INTE BARA SCHACK
Pts. TB1 TB2 TB3. 1. 1 Beskay Bicen.
Lars-Göran Malmgren vann KM 2016! - Malmö AS
SNr. Namn. Nation RatingKlubb.
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Mayur is an IT engineer and a chess enthusiast from Mumbai, working in Japan since 2013. He has played over-the-board tournaments in India, USA and Japan.
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Iran won all three Open tournaments, while China took first in the Classical and Rapid sections amongst the women Nach dem Ende der zweitägigen Vorrunde des "European Online Chess Club Cup" (EOCCC), dem als 15+5-Onlineturnier auf der Plattform Torneo ausgetragenen Europapokal für Vereinsmannschaften, haben sich 18 der 90 Mannschaften für die Zwischenrunde am Montag qualifiziert. Die Startrangliste war eine präzise Voraussage - jedenfalls aus deutscher Sicht: Die vier unter den ersten Achtzehn Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis showed that the optimal cutoff value in CLIA was 0.45 IU/ml for TB1 and 0.46 IU/ml for TB2 wikipedia's list of all TB3, TB2 and TB1 notebooks Dell Thunderbolt 3 40gbps data transfer rate (offical Dell 2/4-lane specs) Asus TB3 notebook PCIe lane specs Many TB2/TB1 notebooks can use TB3 enclosures. Nisipeanu won the European Individual Chess Championship 2005 in Warsaw with 10 points out of 13 games, half a point ahead of runner-up Teimour Radjabov from Azerbaijan.
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