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COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE In Revelation 17 and 18 we read about the final demise of the great whore -- the Babylonian Mystery Religion of Simon Magus -- the Roman Catholic Church! While some misguided individuals claim that "Babylon the Great" is New York City, or Iraq -- or any other number of places! The Catholic Church He also rejects the earlier theory of Brandt that the fundamental stratum in Mandaean beliefs is based on ancient Babylonian religion. The Mitre hat that is worn by Catholic priests, cardinals and the Pope, represents Dagon the Babylonian fish god.

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God Bless & Jesus Saves. Subscribe To My Catholic history recognizes Simon Magus, but says that he was an apostate, a false Christian, and certainly not a man who was ever affiliated with the Catholic religion. The Catholic Church recognizes events recorded in Acts 8—but it inverts the history and teaches that the Catholic religion was the one Magus was trying to infiltrate, and Constantine combined the pagan Babylonian and Roman worship of false gods with Christian names, to create a Universal religion, to draw the world under his power. This is why the Harlot of Revelation 17, the Roman Church, is called Mystery Babylon, for her religion is that of the Babylonians, under the guise of Christianity. Roman Catholicism - Roman Catholicism - The “Babylonian Captivity”: The severest difficulties faced by the medieval church involved the papacy. The most extreme and inflexible advocate of papal authority, Boniface VIII, initiated a struggle with the French king, Philip IV, over Philip’s attempts to tax and judge the clergy. Catholic Apostasy.

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What about St. Patrick? Frequently Asked Questions While there are some genuine believers within the Catholic Church (who are unaware of the pagan influences within that religion), the assertions, practices, and principles of the Catholic Church are not true to the gospel of Christ (Galatians 1:6-9). They are actually Babylonian in disguise- Christian terms wrapped in pagan cult practices. The Babylonian Captivity of the Church appeared in print less than a week before the papal bull against Luther reached Wittenberg in October, 1520.

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Hur att uttala Chaldean

This is why the Harlot of Revelation 17, the Roman Church, is called Mystery Babylon, for her religion is that … Introduction to Babylonian Religion Salvation can only be found through faith in Christ. This belief is foundational to true Christianity.

Typically both Jerusalem and Babylonian Talmuds use the generic minim for Those Christian groups regarded as heretics by the Roman Catholic Church  Besides being an effective satire targeted against religious hypocrisy, Elmer Elmer attends Mizpah Theological Seminary, a Baptist institution in Babylon, in the Midwest.
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p. 56, 57 2020-08-13 2020-07-24 False Claims of the Catholic Church. What Does ROME have to do with Christ? Corpus Cristi and the Monstrance.

This system has its life in Babylonian religion. This religion is evidenced today in the Catholic church. The Catholic doctrine of Maryolotry has its roots in the  25 May 2017 Babylon Religio‪n‬.
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But the Bible reveals in the book of Revelation that the Roman Catholic Church is BABYLON, the MOTHER OF HARLOTS. She is a continuation of the old Babylonian system found in the Old Testament, which was the original rejector of God's truth in favor of worshiping false gods. COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE There are similarities in doctrines and practices between the Babylonian mystery religion and the Catholic religion.

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Roman Catholicism is really the pagan Babylonian religion of Sun and Satan worship, mysteriously masked by the cover of Christianity.