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Before coming to SIPRI Stephanie led the communications team at the Stockholm International Water Institute, another Swedish-based think tank involved in international water and development issues. SIPRI, Solna, Sweden. 24,674 likes · 96 talking about this · 447 were here. SIPRI is an independent international institute dedicated to research into conflict, armaments, arms control and Försäljningen av vapen och andra militära tjänster ökade med 60 procent mellan perioden 2002-2010. Det visar statistik från fredsforskningsinstitutet Sipri Även den tidigare diplomaten Jan Eliasson, som nu är ordförande på fredsforskningsinstitutet Sipri, närvarar. – Det är viktigt för oss att vara med och skapa en plattform för konfidentiella samtal, säger Stephanie Blenckner, kommunikationschef på Sipri till TT. SIPRI Yearbook 2010 Embargo: 2 June 2010, 00:00 AM CET Contact: Stephanie Blenckner Communications Director Tel: +46 8 655 97 47 Mobile: +46 70 86 55 360 Email: blenckner@sipri.org This material is based on extracts from SIPRI Yearbook 2010 assembled for media reporting purposes.
Stockholm For information and interview requests contact Alexandra Manolache (alexandra.manolache@sipri.org, +46 722 035 830) or Stephanie Blenckner (blenckner@sipri.org, +46 8 655 97 47). Stockholm For information and interview requests contact Alexandra Manolache, SIPRI Communications Officer, (alexandra.manolache@sipri.org, +46 766 286 133) or Stephanie Blenckner, SIPRI Communications Director, (blenckner@sipri.org, +46 8 655 97 47). Contact: Stephanie Blenckner Communications Director Tel: +46 8 655 97 47 Mobile: +46 70 86 55 360 Email: blenckner@sipri.org 4 Feature 2. South America The region with the largest increase in military expenditure in 2010 was South America, with a 5.8 per cent increase in real terms, reaching a total of $63.3 billion. For information and interview requests contact, Alexandra Manolache, SIPRI Communications Officer (alexandra.manolache@sipri.org, +46 766 286 133), or Stephanie Blenckner, SIPRI Communications Director (blenckner@sipri.org, +46 8 655 97 47). The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)
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Se alla lediga jobb från Stiftelsen SIPRI i Solna. Genom att välja ett specifikt yrke kan du även välja att se alla lediga jobb i Solna som finns inom det yrket. Stephanie Blenckner 47 år08-655 97 Visa. Oxenstiernas Väg 10, 192 51 Sollentuna.
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Nytt möte i februari For information and interview requests contact, Alexandra Manolache, SIPRI Communications Officer (alexandra.manolache@sipri.org, +46 766 286 133), or Stephanie Blenckner, SIPRI Communications In this SIPRI Conversation, Stephanie Blenckner speaks with Margot Wallström, former Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sweden, about the Environment of For information and interview requests contact Alexandra Manolache, SIPRI Communications Officer, (alexandra.manolache@sipri.org, +46 766 286 133) or Stephanie Blenckner, SIPRI Communications Director, (blenckner@sipri.org, +46 8 655 97 47).
T-bana: T-centralen. Språk: Engelska. Anmälan och intervjubokning: Stephanie Blenckner, blenckner@sipri.org , 0708-655 360. Pieter Wezeman on Transparency in Arms Procurement.
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Communications Email: blenckner@sipri.org de datos de transferencias de armas del SIPRI, que define las.
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Sverige Nordkorea över SVT News - NewsBeezer
Established in 1966, SIPRI provides data, analysis and recommendations, based on open sources. Stockholm International Peace Research Institute Signalistgatan 9 SE-169 72 Solna Sweden. SIPRI's Communications Director, Stephanie Blenckner. Telephone: +46 8 For information or interview requests contact Alexandra Manolache (alexandra.manolache@sipri.org, +46 766 286 133) or Stephanie Blenckner (blenckner@sipri.org, +46 8 655 97 47).
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SIPRI: Indien har atter åbnet den store pung for indkøb af nye
Stephanie McElhinny.